Learn something new every day. Put together your own topics according to your interests and receive small, but excuisite bites of knowledge every day. Improve yourself step by step and without much effort.
- Choose your topics
- Receive daily bites of knowledge
- Learn & be inspired
- Browse through the growing topic collection
Sample Topics:
- Animals – Fascinating Facts
- History – General – Basics
- Space – Basics
- Biology – Basics
- Healthy Nutrition
- Capital City Knowledge (Quiz)
- Motivational Quotes & Jokes and over 100 more ...
Choose what motivates you and keeps you going.
New topics are added regularly, but more important to us than getting you to download the app, is not to disappoint you. To avoid this, you can have a look at all the latest topics you can choose from in our app - free of charge, of course - in advance in the topic collection on our website. We hope you'll find something that inspires you or arouses your curiosity.
We want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to learn a little bit more every day and thus always become a little more knowledgeable. Together we make the world a little bit better, day by day.
Learn for life!
Additional features:
Once again:
Press "Repeat" and have your Daily displayed again to better internalize it.
Save your favorites in the archive.
Quiz time:
For guessers, many of our topics are also available as single choice quizzes.
Don't miss a thing:
If you haven't been to the app yet, we'll be happy to remind you of your daily Dailys.
In-App Purchases: Why & for what?
As a small thank you for their support, Pro users will not be distracted by banner ads for the duration of the subscription and will have a “Review“ – feature at their disposal that will allow them to access the Dailys of their last two visits again. The actual core of the app is completely free and you don't even need to set-up a profile.
Further questions will hopefully be answered in our FAQs on the website or in our app.
The right topic mix of tricky learning facts and light entertainment is always in your hands. We hope to support you with the My Daily Input app.
We are on your Team, let's go!
Topic Collection: https://mydailyinput.com/en/topic-collection/
Privacy Policy: https://mydailyinput.com/en/privacy-policy/
Terms of Service: https://mydailyinput.com/en/tos/